You may register online here. Students transferring from another school must attend a placement class prior to registration. You may schedule a free trial/placement class here.

You may schedule a free trial/placement class at anytime through the year as classes are ongoing. Please call (540) 905-8311 or email klasley@lasleycentre.com to schedule a free lesson.

Yes. All classes have a dress code which can be found here.

Students may be in class anywhere from .75 hours per week to 16 hours per week, plus company rehearsals. Classes are structured to be developmentally appropriate from our youngest students through our pre-professional dancers who require enough hours to maintain adequate strength as a preventative measure.

Tuition is month to month and sessions do not overlap, i.e., 10 monthly payments for 8 months of classes. We have done the math for your comparison.

No! Students are not qualified to teach, to ensure the safety of a young dancer’s physique. It is our experience that parents do not wish to pay to have students teach their children and it does not serve our students or our program’s mission. We do have an apprenticeship program, and you may observe students age 16 and older assisting a certified teacher in some classes. In this way our older dancers begin to master the art of teaching!

Yes. Participation in the Spring Ballet and Gala are compulsory. There are no performance fees. A costume purchase or rental fee may be assessed for some classes.

Nutcracker is optional and is available to LCPA students Level 2 and up. Nutcracker produced by the Centre Company is by open audition and is open to all local dance students.

(for our younger students [Levels I & II], a smaller set of Resistance Cable Band Sets w/Handles with just 10 and 15 lb bands would be sufficient. These can probably be purchased locally at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Target or Walmart.)